In this blog we will talk about the movement of the chess pieces, the input system and the guiding system as well as the colours appearing. Also, we will be talking about the pawn promotion system, the win/losing condition and the buttons.

In this phase we started to focus on the movement of the individual chess pieces for both players (player 1 and 2). We wanted to make sure that both players are allowed to move the chess pieces onto the tiles that are provided (when players are making a move). When creating the movement of the individual pieces we wanted to highlight the possible positions that players can move the chess pieces onto. When a player clicks the chess pieces a green slot (a box slot) will appear showing players possible movements they can make.
We implemented this so that it is easier for players who have never played chess before, it shows them possible movements they can make. We implemented this feature for both players. When player 1 for example makes a move and takes out player 2’s chess piece it will appear as red. Red indicates that the chess piece has been removed, this helps players out as they are indicated that they have knocked off a chess piece of their opponent. Having the different colours for each task helps players, green shows available moveable slots.
In the next phase of the developing stage, we wanted to implement a pawn promotion system. For example, we created a system where, if a pawn piece reaches the end of the board. It will then get promoted to queen. We implemented this aspect into our game as it is a common rule in chess that a piece gets promoted to a queen once they reach the end of the board. Furthermore, we created a win and lose condition. We created a win condition, what we did was program the game so that when player 1 checkmates their opponent and gets all their king’s out that means that player 2 has lost, which is a losing condition as all of player 2’s kings have been checkmated by player 1.
Once we implemented the above conditions, we started working on the play and restart button. We implemented the play button in the main menu as it allows players to click play and it will find them a room to play in, we implemented the restart button in the game in case the game freezes or if the player would like to restart the game.