Learn how to play the game, how to navigate and how the game works. We'll show you three videos and provide written instructions of the three tutorials shown below. To learn about our Piece Themes and Game Modes, click on the buttons below.
In this video we will demonstrate how to navigate into the game. To start off there is three buttons you can choose from: Play, Options and Tutorial. Options allows you to set your graphics and screen resolution. Click Tutorial and it will take you to the Tutorial page on our website. When you click Start, you can change the language to the options available. You will then go straight to the login screen where you will enter your details. New players will have to sign up by clicking the register button. You will then be taken to the room page, where you can either create a game or join a room. Also, you will have the option to view profile and see your XP score, as well as viewing the leaderboard. You will then choose a different game mode you would like to play depending on your XP score, as well as choosing which side you would like to choose (White Team/Black Team) before loading into the game with another player.
Once you are in the game, click on the pieces and a green guiding system will appear. You can move the pieces in the space the guiding system provides. This will be in turns once you made a move player two will have their go. You will take turns to checkmate each other's Kings. King moves one square any direction. Queen moves diagonal, horizontal or vertical. Rooks move horizontal or vertical. Bishop moves diagonal. The Knight piece can move forward in any direction following an L shape, Pawn moves forward one square also move two squares if they have not been moved. To learn how to play our unique game modes which includes Classic, Piece Ban, Knighted and Kingsman. Click here!